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Recovery can be a lonely road…you are constantly reminded that it is YOUR recovery and that no-one can do it for you! Trying to do it completely alone can be very isolating and can be an excuse that is used to give up on your recovery. But this doesn’t mean you have to walk the path all alone.

It is important to remember that you don’t have to do it all alone. There are people who can help you on your recovery journey, and these can offer you the support that you need. This can help you to add value to your recovery. After all, one of the first things you are taught when you first start your recovery is that you have to change who you interact with and that ‘using friends’ are a danger to your recovery. This can leave you feeling alone and unsupported. Finding a new support system is essential to your recovery, and to your sanity.

When we start looking for this support, we tend to focus first on family. However, it is important to understand that family members are not experiencing your recovery in the same way you are. They might want to support you, but their support is offered from their perspective and not yours. Their support can be of great benefit as long as you understand that it might not be the support you are expecting.

Attending a support group for recovery is important for your recovery, not only because it can keep you focused on your recovery, but also because you can meet and interact with other people in recovery. At these meeting you will find people who understand your recovery journey because they are walking it too, or have walked it already and can offer you advice and support. This can be of tremendous help to you. But, you have to go and find them! They are out there! These people give you a sense of accountability in your recovery as they are watching out for you and will be supportive in all situations. They will also point out some of your evident destructive behaviours and help you to get back on the path. They can also help you maintain your motivation for recovery and offer you positive encouragement.

Most importantly, your support system is an anchor line that you can use when things begin to get tough, or when you realise that you have strayed off your recovery path. They can help you get back on track and provide you with the support to do so.

Your support system is yours to create. You can choose who to include in it. But, remember that you have to create it…it doesn’t just happen! Creating a strong support system is one of the strongest tools you can use to make your recovery a success!

SANCA Central Eastern Cape’s support groups run every Thursday (6pm) and every Sunday (5pm) – 52 Weeks a year. This means we will be running these groups throughout the Festive season. Join us to keep your recovery strong.

SANCA Central Eastern Cape would like to wish all our weekly readers a blessed Christmas and New Year. May you be Safe, Strong and Sober!